So I've forced myself to bend the space and time fabric to find an extra 20 or so minutes a day to do a few sketches and some painting. Within that limited time i looked through an interesting website for creatives of all kinds, especially the evil type.
I came across the website called while looking for some colour schemes for an animation project, and instead came across some illustration work that caught my eye!
Needless to say my mind was blown! Not necessarily by the illustrations themselves, more that I could recognise the process of the work, and moreover that I could relate to it.
My favourite kind of illustration I think at the moment involves styles that echo my own, but are levels of experience ahead of me, it gives me incentive and drive, to surpass or atleast learn the secret of that illustration or illustrator.
By the way here's the website: haha incase I forget
Anyway, this approach spawned from a chat with my main home dog and mentor Michael Stopforth check him out at
He said something to me that stuck, basically he told me, studying someone's style indepth, gives you the ability or rather potential to attain the experience they have, and add that to your own! The notion is abit crazy, but makes sense in terms of how we draw inspiration, in the same way that we tried to copy our favourite anime style or tried to draw pokemon or whatever gets you going, you learned to draw that particular article in the same way you saw it, that meant either understanding the process of drawing it or the secret of why it works.
To end this off, finally, I believe inspiration by copying is a great thing, and even more fruitful if you can take that to another level or avenue. So watch this space for some interesting new stuff soon. Peace :)
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